I am Laura Vega, a Spaniard living in Australia since 2014, on a mission to guide others in sensing their very own balance, because let's face it, we all need help at some point 😉

I could tell you a very long story about myself, including my experience in corporate for over 13 years, my migration and life challenges, heartbreaks, chronic pain etc..however I prefer we take things slow for now.. I'll be sharing plenty of stories about myself in the blog, e-newsletters and social media. You can subscribe to all those below.
You probably want to know about my qualifications. I have taken numerous courses and trainings learning a variety of techniques. I'll be a forever student as I am constantly looking for new ways and enhance my ability to help others.
I have been practicing strategic interventions as a certified Life Coach for several years, and I am also certified at level 3 in REIKI, and Spiritual Archetypes healing. I have some knowledge about Ayurveda, which I acquired during my trip to India. I am a 200H Yoga teacher and currently taking an Executive Coach certificate at the European Coaching institute and student of Psychology at Uni.
I deeply care about your growth, health and making this world a better place for us and future generations. Let's move the needle and start becoming better versions of ourselves. That's the best contribution we can make to our planet, everyone around us, and of course, ourselves!,

Graduate Coach of Robbins-Madanes Training
Reiki Usui Rioho, Spiritual Archetypes Therapist
Yoga Teacher in training – coming soon

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